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강북삼성코호트 소개 - Biobank

  • Korean
  • english현재 페이지

Biobank business goals

The main purpose of Biobank is to create a data base which includes massive clinical samples and genetic data base that can also be utilized for discovery of new drugs, diseases, as well as treatment markersthrough collection of human resources. Biobank’s primary objective can be described as safe preservation of long-term storage samples that will be used for the purposes of research regarding newly discovered diseases and sources of infection in the future.Long-term storage samples are highly valuable as they are also vital ingredients forformation of (genetic mutation, gene variation) based customized individual care (Mills, 2006).

Through long-term storagesamples, we believe that research regarding occurrence of infectious diseases, pre-diagnosis of diseases, biological backgrounds of individuals with unusual (allergic) reaction to medication, customized individual care, and etc. will prosper greatly. (utilization of human resource research )

Kinds of human resources in possession

  • clinical specimen: serum, plasma, gDNA, Buffy coat, RBC, Tissue, urine and etc.
  • information: resource information, clinical information, epidemiologic information

Biobanking process

Informed consent→biospecimen collection→processing→archiving→distribution and study

Biobank equipment and facility (scale)

  • MAPI
  • Deepfreezer
  • LN2 tank system

Permission for establishment of biobank
