

폐암, 식도암, 기흉, 일반흉부외과, 다한증(손, 겨드랑이), 흉부결핵성질환, 종격동종양, 흉강내시경 수술


  • 외래진료
  • 국내 학회
  • 국외 학회
  • 강의
  • 휴가
  • 기타

학력 및 경력

1993~1999 연세대학교 의과대학 졸업
1999~2004 강남세브란스 인턴, 전공의
2004~2007 연세대학교 의과대학 대학원 석사
2007~2008 삼성서울병원 전임의
2008~2010 고려대학교 구로병원 임상조교수
2009~2011 고려대학교 의과대학 대학원 박사 수료
2010~2014 국민건강보험 일산병원 
2014~2017 가톨릭관동대 국제성모병원 부교수

학회 활동

대한흉부심장혈관외과 학회 심사위원회 간사 

대표 논문

1. Prognostic Significance of FDG Uptake of Bone Marrow on PET/CT in Patients With Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Curative Surgical Resection.
2. Factors affecting patient compliance with compressive brace therapy for pectus carinatum.
3. Lymphatic vessel invasion and lymph node metastasis in patients with clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer
4. Sternal osteomyelitis with a mediastinal abscess caused by Gemella morbillorum following blunt force trauma
5. Novel in-frame deletion mutation in FLCN gene in a Korean family with recurrent primary spontaneous pneumothorax
6. Right diaphragmatic rupture with intrathoracic dislocation of the liver
7. Primary salivary gland-type lung cancer: surgical outcomes
8. A comparative study of two- versus one-lung ventilation for needlescopic bleb resection
9. Needlescopy-assisted resection of pulmonary nodule after dual localization
10. Intra-operative sentinel lymph node identification using a novel receptor-binding agent (technetium-99m neomannosyl human serum albumin, 99mTc-MSA) in stage I non-small cell lung cancer
11. Reoperative surgical stabilization of a painful nonunited rib fracture using bone grafting and a metal plate
12. Successful removal of indigested shell using a rigid esophagoscope and a pneumatic lithotripter


  • 정보보호관리체계(ISMS) 인증
  • 국제정보보호(ISO27001) 인증
  • 보건복지부
    의료기관 인증병원
  • 생명의학연구윤리 국제인증 획득
  • 美, 하원 표창장
  • 美, 존스홉킨스
    연구협약 체결