

유방암. 유방질환(여성)


  • 외래진료
  • 국내 학회
  • 국외 학회
  • 강의
  • 휴가
  • 기타

학력 및 경력

연세대학교 외과대학 졸업(1981)
연세의대 세브란스병원 수련 및 외과 전문의(1986)
연세대학교 대학원 의학석사 및 의학박사
연세의대 세브란스병원 연구강사(1989-1990)
미국 Pittsburgh NSABP(미국립유방암임상시험센터)책임연구원(1996-1998)
한림의대 외과 교수(1991-2010)
한림의대 강동성심병원 기획실장
한림의대 강동성심병원장

전)세계 유방암학회조직위원장
전)한국 유방암학회부원장
전)한국 유방암학회이사장
전)대한 외과학회 교육이사
전)대한 외과학회 편집위원
현)한국 유방암학회고문
현)성균관의대 외과교수(2011-)
현)강북삼성병원 유방갑상선 암센터 센터장

학회 활동

전)세계 유방암학회조직위원장
전)한국 유방암학회부원장
전)한국 유방암학회이사장
전)대한 외과학회 교육이사
전)대한 외과학회 편집위원
현)한국 유방암학회고문

대표 논문

1. Paik S, Bryant J, Park C, et al. erbB-2 and response to doxorubicin in patients with
axillary lymph node-positive,hormone receptor negative breast cancer. J Natl Cancer
Inst 90:1361-1370, 1998

2. Paik S, Bryant J, Tan-Chiu E, Park C et al: HER2 and choice of adjuvant chemotherapy
for invasive breast cancer: NSABP Protocol B-15. J Natl Cancer Inst 92:1991-8, 2000

3. ChanheunPark,EunsookNam,HyeongsikSin: Reduced expression of the cell cycle inhibitor
p27 is associated with progression and lymphnode metastasis of gastric carcinoma
Histopathology p36, Dec 2000

4. Paik S, Park C: HER2 and choice of adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (review).

5. Sung-Won Kim, Wonshik Han, Joon Jeong, et al: The Policy Proposal for Effective Prevention
and Management of Breast Cancer Journal of Breast Cancer 2006 Dec 09(04): 270-292

6. Sook Hyun Lee, Seong Rae Kim, ChanHeunParketal:Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 17p13
and p53 Expression in Invasive Ductal Carcinomas Journal of Breast Cancer 2006 Dec 09(04): 309-316

7. Hyun-Sik Kim, Won-Hyuk Choi, Chan-HeunParketal:Loss of Heterozygosity of E-Cadherin Gene and
Protein Expression in Invasive Ductal Carcinomas Journal of Breast Cancer 2005 Sep 08(04): 157-164

8. Hwa Eun Oh, ChanHeunPark,SeongJinChoetal:Expression of the c-met Gene in Invasive Ductal
Carcinomas Journal of Breast Cancer 2005 Mar 008(01): 48-55

9. Hyo Chan Seo, SeoungIlKim,WooIckYang,ChanHunPark: Cyclin D1 Expression in Primary Breast
Carcinoma Correlation with Estrogen Receptor Status and Other Clinicopathologic Parameters
Journal of Breast Cancer 2002 Jun 005(01):1-6

10. Soo Jin Kim,M.D.2,JongHoYoon,M.D.2,WoongYounChung,M.D.1,KeeHyunNam,M.D.1,ChanHeunPark,M.D.2

andCheongSooPark,M.D Gasless Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Via an Axillary Approach J Korean surgical
society 2006 May; 070(05): 357-362.

11. Hee Jeong Cha, M.D., SeongJinCho,M.D.1,ChongWooYoo,M.D.1,WuYoungChang,M.D.1,
HeeJoonKang,M.D.2, SunHyungJoo,M.D.2,ChanHeunPark,M.D.2andCheolJaePark,M.D.

12. Jin Won Seol, Seung Il KimChan Heun Parket al: Prognostic Value of Elevated Cyclooxygenase-2
Expression in Breast Cancer J Korean Surg Soc 2003 Nov; 065(05): 377-381.

13. Sung Goo Chung, ChanheunPark:AxillarylymphnodeSarcoidosisJKoreanSurgSoc2001;61:220-223

14. Do Won Ha, ChanheunPark:GastrointestinalStromalTumors;ClinicopathologicalFeaturesand
PrognosticFactors JKoreanSurgSoc2001;61:295-299


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