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Message from General Director

  • Korean
  • english현재 페이지

KangBuk Samsung Hospital: Contributing to Society


Our team of researchers and doctors at SungKyunKwan School of Medicine/KangBuk Samsung Hospital promises patients with confidence that we perform one of nation’s most exceptional health examinations and will always strive to maintain such quality.

Based on the results from previous patients, we aim to foresee the most recent trend of diseases and illnesses of the citizens in the Republic of Korea.The accumulated data of previous patient’s health examinations has been longitudinally analyzed and is used for the purposes of more accurate and effective diagnosis for our future patients.

For the purposes standardization of health examination and analysis of the dataon international bases, we have teamed and formed an MOU with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, one of the finest research institutions for medicine in the world. We are also currently conducting joint researches in many specialized research fields such as disease management and controlon national bases.

Currently we are propelling “Kangbuk Samsung Cohort Study”,which is a joint study conducted with Johns Hopkins and is a critical study which aims to foresee, prevent, and understand health problems of citizensthrough basis of statistical work. We have developed well formulated questionnaires and strictly guided protocols for medical examination, physical examination, imaging, endoscopy, and use of specialized equipment. The questionnaires and protocols were primarily standardized on an international basis and constant monitoring of protocols and questionnaires are currently being evaluated through quality assurance system. These standardized measures maximize the precision and accuracy of the results from health examination that patients receive as well as the results of the data collected for further research.

Our research has launched in April 2012 and intends to collect data from patients for the next five years. In accordance with bioethics code and patient safety laws we have provided the agreement form along with the entire procedure of our research for IRB approval prior to the start of the research. We welcome participation and interest from researchers all across the globe.

We firmly believe that Kangbuk Samsung Cohort study will promise solid base groundsfor enhancing health quality of the nation as a whole and we will do our best to attain this goal.

Thank you.

December 2012-General Director of KangBuk Samsung Hospital / KangBuk Samsung Cohort Study Research Director

Hyun Chul, Shin
