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강북삼성코호트 소개 - Data management

  • Korean
  • english현재 페이지


  • With a large cohort study, it is critical to develop a database (data warehouse) and manage it systematically.
  • The main role of “Data management team” is to support safe storage and management of the data collected from the cohort study. The team also monitor procedures of transferring and saving data in a web based database. In addition, the team also run the presentation and publication committee for data distribution.

Data type

Data type
Data type Period Data source
Retrospective cohort study
  1. 1. Health Questionnaires
  2. 2. Examination Components
  3. 3. Laboratory Components
  4. 4. Data Dictionary
Prospective cohort study
  1. 1. Extended Health Questionnaires
  2. 2. Examination Components
  3. 3. Laboratory Components
  4. 4. Data Dictionary